Switching from Samsung to iPhone
I've always had the Samsung Note phones but lately been thinking of switching from Samsung to Apple. For anyone who has switched, did you regret it or are are you preferring using the iPhone?

I've currently have a Samsung Note 20 and thinking of a iPhone 13 Pro.

[+] 1 user Likes fast-z-car's post
My current is an iPhone, but I've used both. They're both good and have their ups and downs. Just depends on how you see those ups and downs I guess.

Biggest plus for iPhone is iMessage. It's just better than regular texting. Biggest plus for Samsung is the unlimited/expandable storage. On iPhone, once you run out, you have to delete stuff or buy a new one. That and also there's like way more app variety and customizable features for Samsung/Android than the Apple store.

The rest of the differences are pretty negligible.

[+] 1 user Likes ceratsiv's post
ARE YOU MAD!!! why on earth would you switch, the iphone is terrible. If you liked the Note because of the pen? Samsung didn't make a Not this year, I think because of the Z Flip and Z Fold. The Galaxy S21 supports the pen but you have to buy it separately but there's a rumour that the S22 might come with a pen and have a dedicated place inside the phone to store it like the Note.

Btw Samsung is superior ?

Apple is becoming more and more attractive every year. iPhones have the fastest chip, and they are always buttery smooth. They get at least 5 years of updates and features. Their resell value is much higher than android.

Plus if you need a laptop, M1 macbooks are the best. Windows can no longer keep up with performance and battery life. And there's incredible synergy between Apple products.

iPhone is great. Just bought the new 13 and it's fast af. Highly recommend