Sylvester Stallone vs Arnold Schwarzenegger
Both actors were very successful in the 1980s, both stood for action movies like Rambo, Rocky, Conan the Barbarian, Terminator ...
Which of the two is the better actor for you, who has made the better films? I personally like Arnold Schwarzenegger more.

Arnold hands down
Stallone mainly has Rocky and Rambo, but Arnold is just so entertaining in everything he's in, plus he's a real chill dude irl

Arnold is numero uno

Arnold FTW, better actor AND hes a great human irl.

Arnold no doubt

Arnold can't be beat, although Stallone is close

arnold he just had the better one liners in movies like predator, total recall and other classics

I prefer Arnold because I love Terminator 1 and 2.

For me as an Austrian I have to go with Schwarzenegger Wink

Quote:stallone is better
stallone is better

stallone in rambo is better

Arnold was a big part of my childhood and a lot of his movies meant a lot to me, Stallone is great too though!

AH-NAWLD by far.

not even a contest. arnie with a bullet