The Beirut Explosion
I read a bit about the Beirut explosion, and it seems the culprit is ammonium nitrate, the same as the Tianjin explosion
So my question is, is it really a common practice to store ammonium nitrate especially in a large quantity like that?
Does other country do that also?

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Not sure but a lot of ammonium nitrate is very explosive

It’s a very tragic event. My prayers go out for all the affected people in the explosion. Honestly it’s ridiculous how all that ammonium nitrate was left stored in that type of manner that allowed for such explosion to occur. I don’t know much about chemical storage but I don’t understand how someone could let this happen

It's really scary for incident like this happened twice

I just can't understand how something like this could happen. What even then is the point of having regulations? After all, if they get broken by different places, then we are at no point but to struggle as a people. I don't like the idea that much, but we definitely need a larger, unbiased, enforcing entity keeping us in check.

scary that it could basicaly happen anywhere