The English language
With the current rate at which language is evolving, especially online. It’s got me thinking that sometime in the near future all words of the English language will be replaced by these new words. Like how yeet has become the replacement of throw. As well as location based slang or mispronunciations. In the last couple of years I’ve heard more and more people say aks instead of ask. And somewhere in england there’s a saying tintintin. Which literally means “it isn’t in the tin”. So yea, it’s had me thinking that eventually all real English words will be replaced with these new ones and will change the language we speak entirely. Do you think that will happen or do you think that we are now too stubborn to allow such a thing to happen?

Languages always change. We've just changed to the point that we document our changes, and still make sure that everyone learns "standardized" English. Which means it should be mutually intelligible (at the least) with the English spoken in 400 years.