The future of sneezing and coughing
Don't you guys think there's going to be such shame for sneezing and coughing now? After the pandemic, people will still have such negative vibe towards it

Oh yeah definitely, and tbh it’s probably not that a thing. Before covid, everybody carelessly passing the cold and flu to each other was still a horrid thing.

Not that bad a thing*

For sure. I wonder if some places will choose to continue enforcing mask mandates too.

I think its a good thing, so many people sneeze without covering their mouths or think its fine to just cough everywhere. Tbh I hope it becomes normalized wearing masks when sick too. Itll be better for everyone.

For sure man can't even cough at the gym nowadays

I hope this starts a culture of wearing a mask whenever you're sick and go out in public here in the US. They already do that in many asian countries and it's just a safer, more considerate way to conduct yourself.

Until now I think most people I know really thought "the cold" was just something they can get if you out in the cold or during opposed to a virus you have to get from someone/something.

It's not gonna change a damn thing in my country, so this discussion doesn't even make sense to me lol