The modern game conundrum
Bit of a rant, but holy shit its been getting to me recently that its essentially become acceptable for devs to release half finished games to meet a deadline and then "promise" they'll fix it over the coming months/years.

I know the whole early access craze started happening a while back now but its ridiculous that its now triple A titles/companies that are releasing on the their actual launch date and the product is absolute trash, but they just give themselves all this extra time to work/fix it via patches. Its not necessarily a new thing, but i feel like its slowly becoming more and more accepted with the paradigm shift of "games as a service" and the technological abilities to push out regular patches and fixes.
I know the topic has been done to death but fuck me I lost so much respect for CDPR when cyberpunk dropped.

That's part of the gaming community fault. Make your opinions with your wallet, then the devs will have to listen or go back to that time where games barely gave any money no matter what.

Blame the consoles and console ports for that! PC gaming is still the best.

The wallet voting is the obvious first step, and have started implementing it more than I used to. But thats frustrating in its own right, if not spending money kn the game was to actually have an effect on the company, its likely just the low tier developer that gets the boot (whom was probably working his/her ass off) rather than the greedy dudes at the top

Another reason why I still highly respect Bethesda for taking their time to put out quality games. Probably one of the biggest offenders of this is Mihoyo with Genshin Impact since the game promises 7 regions, yet only has 2 major regions as of rn. Though, this could just be because its a free game.