Thoughts on EVE online in it's current state?
Hey everyone, I used to play EVE many years ago and absolutely loved it, by far my favourite MMO out there, however I stopped because I really didn't have enough time to warrant paying for a subscription. I loved that everything was pretty much player-run, and I was always hoping that there would one day be a medieval fantasy equivalent of the game.
I know there is a f2p option currently, however it heavily limits what the player can use, and honestly I don't think I would want to play like that. Is the game still worth playing nowadays, with a large, active playerbase and all? I never used to do any pvp, not even that much cooperation, I mostly did nullsec exploration on my own, and to this day some of those runs were the most thrilling experiences I've had in any videogame. Have the exploration mechanics changed much in the past few years? Any related comments or opinions are welcome too.

Elite dangerous is far more fun I’ve found. Good political aspects too.