Thoughts on mask easing by CDC
Is the call too soon? there are still variants out there that could wreak havoc. and it'll be hard to reinstate masks if they are needed in a few weeks

Masks have no ability to prevent you from getting the WuFlu. Wearing a mask to prevent you from getting it is as putting a mask on your dick during sex to keep the girl from getting pregnant.

It’s so stupid

lol CDC is a joke, they're trying to get people to do stupid shit like this, then it'll, all of a sudden, be another collapse, and more covid strains.

A lot of people quit listening to their recommendations a long time ago. They can GF themselves. It's time to get out and live your lives without the face diaper.

As a historical aside: During the 1918 flu, the vast majority of people didn't die from the flu, but from bacterial pneumonia . . . which they got from wearing masks too much.

Face diaper, haha.

Keep the masks. Small price to pay

Even if the CDC eases restrictions, the people who want to wear masks still will and the people who don't already have stopped

What's the point of wearing a mask after getting vaccinated for a disease that already has a 99.8% recovery rate? At some point you have to live your life.