Thoughts on valorant?
After ranked came out it feels like the elo system needs a bit of readjusting... immortals are getting 2 hour queues and ive played 4/5 of my placement games in the map split. stupidly dumb

Fun but pretty overrated IMO.

It's really fun but not for everyone. People who got into CS are probably gonna love it, maybe those who come from Siege, too. I think Overwatch players will find it too slow and end up going back to OW.

The ranked issues come from there not being enough people yet. Ranked had only been out for a few hours, so there aren't enough people at the high ranks for fast queues yet. Plus, a lot of the pro and ex-pro CS players were 5-stacking their queues. Valorant tries to find lobbies where the grouping is equal on both sides, and two really high-level 5-stacks are hard to come by.

Not tried it. I find the streams too boring to watch. I guess it might be too slow because I've played OW, but I don't want to play OW because it's too clowny

idk, tried it but will stick with other games

gameplay looks to slow for me

Haven't tried it yet, but doesn't seem like anything new

I want to try it now

Looks like Counter Strike mixed with Overwatch IMO. Not for me!

got a feeling it wont last very long

Can't see it carving out a place after all the twitch streamers move on to whatever the next new thing is

fun game, overrated, would I play it? Maybe if they remove the fact that it get access to my root folder on my pc. Can't trust that chinese company to get my info

watching the game is boring, but playing it is fun if you enjoy counter-strike. A lot of strategy required.

If you are a CSGO fan, you will love valorant, they are similar.

Wanted to try it out but unavailable for mac

It's fun with friends. People coming to the game are mainly LoL players who haven't got experience with shooters, or OW players who don't know enough CS strats so it can be fristrating