Time Travel
If you had access to a time machine, what time periods would you want to travel to? Personally, I’d like to go visit Feudal Japan since that aspect of history is very fascinating to me. Maybe I’d also travel back to the time of the Renaissance to see Michelangelo and all of those other amazing artists and thinkers practicing their crafts.

i'd prefer looking at the dawn of time when the earth was just created. provided having some equipment or suit that will keep me alive XD Shy

[+] 1 user Likes xiiaoslacker's post
Got room for 1 more? I'm interested in Feudal Japan too

[+] 1 user Likes finnishlad's post
Yes the renaissance would deff be on my list

[+] 1 user Likes fastcityrocket77's post
I'd stay in America. I'm pretty boring I guess.

definitely the 1800's

I won't use it at all, Why:
- if i travel to the past, i will kill everybody because my body carries germ, virus,... etc stronger than their immune system at the time, it could lead to a doom scenario
- If i travel to the future, i will die because of germ or virus, AGAIN

Bad at English

Maybe go sight seeing and look at things from a far