Trans athletes
I'm not trying to promote transphobia and believe people shouldn't be shamed or stigmatized for feeling as if their sex doesn't match their gender expression, but with sports it's complicated. As with a lot of animals, humans are sexually dimorphic. There are biologic differences between males and females, and I think there is a reason why there have been divisions in sports for different sexes. I do believe male-to-female athletes have an unfair advantage in sports.

Same, I got nothing against trans people but I agree

They have been men for a huge amount of time which means that they were exposed to bigger amounts of testosterone, resulting in better bone density and muscle synthesis.

Kind of generic response, but Minecraft and Fortnite. My brother and I got much closer through hours and hours of Minecraft. He's the one who just builds grand houses and structures while I'm killing the Wither and grinding for emeralds and dealing with those villagers.

Is your brother trans or something?

Yes, I agree I well. They should probably be kept seperate

It must be really tough for trans athletes because on one hand you've got the issue of unfair competition due to their muscle mass gained when they were physically male, and on the other there's the marketability factor. If female sports already suffers from lack of attention/money compared to male sports, what can be said about trans people? Who would actually watch trans american football over the NFL?

I think the problem can be solved by creating a separate sports category for trans athletes female to male and vice versa. I do understand that transgender people see themselves as another gender they weren't assigned at birth, however, there are biological differences between them and the gender they identify with. In that case, it would be unfair and raises risk of injury for both trans and Cis gender athletes which is why I think they should have their own category.

Btw i am not supporting transphobia in anyway shape or form. Quick disclaimer.

Male to female athletes definitely have an advantage. Different leagues have tried different rules like testosterone limits and amount of time on meds before they can play but they've all been controversial and poorly made. Hopefully at some point they can find a way to get them on an even playing field.

Its stupid, men are physically stronger than woman. Its biology so I think its unfair.