Transgender in Female sports?
i saw a headline "Florida Is Latest State To Ban Transgender Girls From Female Sports"
just wondering what are your thoughts on stuff like this...
unfair? or transphobic?

Dudes that "identify" as female but haven't gone through hormone therapy or gotten their dicks and balls chopped off yet being able to play in female sports sounds fucking stupid. And underagers can't go through gender surgery yet, so all "transgender" females are still males.

So if you want males in your female sports, go for it. That gets rid of all the females in the sports. Maybe this is a bass ackwards way of forcing them back into the kitchen.

[+] 1 user Likes olichan12's post
transgenders should have their own, seperate "division" like the special olympics. it's unfair to the other natural male and female competitors. everyone knows men and women are built different physically. a male who changes to a woman will always have an advantage against other natural females.

Someone will come along and argue that trannies having their own separate is transphobic and that men that identify as women are exactly the same as natural born women.

Transgenderism is a mental illness. Biologically testosterone gives those born as a male an unfair advantage over females, regardless of whether they think they’re a woman or not. I’m not transphobic, I don’t care if you believe you’re a different gender, but sports, restrooms and locker rooms are where I draw the line.

[+] 1 user Likes plushdogg124's post
I really do want to unequivocally support transgender individuals and how they feel regarding their gender, but their sex will never truly be something that can be changed. They need a third category or to compete in their original assigned at birth sexes.

I think the Olympics are finally gonna get the fix for this shit started.

There's a tranny Kiwi weightlifter that's being allowed to compete in the Olympics is going to be a rude fucking awakening for all the normies and the NPCs. They've been told by the MSM and their internet counterparts that trannies are real women, and that they should be accepted as real women. Now, in this year's Olympics, they get to be forced to see what a tranny female really is. And they're gonna hate it.

One of the best parts is the fact that all those women who support trannies and tell us to accept them as real women now have to face the fact that these "real women" get to compete as females, something those same women hate. And they have to support it all the way through, lest they be called transphobic and misogynistic. I'm gonna enjoy seeing them have to eat their own words as we get to tell them that that's a real woman and they need to stop complaining about competition with a real woman.

Now if we can only get that poor bastard kid called "The Amazing Desmond" on nightly prime time TV. That will finally get the normies and the NPCs to either go insane, or finally choose to wake up and take the redpill. And maybe even start trying to fix our country.

It’s unfair to the competition. They’ll still be stronger than the natural female athletes and therefore it’s not fair.