Trump’s Tax Returns
Trump’s tax returns were made public and showed he barely paid taxes - $750 in 2016 -, that his businesses lose money year after year, and owes hundreds of millions of dollars. Does this release damage his image or his standing in the election? I think it could affect him with undecided voters, especially ones who pay taxes regularly.

[+] 1 user Likes Jwolf4's post

Let's watch what happens cause of that

I don't think it does much

[+] 1 user Likes jack1904's post
yeah same don't think much will happen

[+] 1 user Likes Baked420's post
Yeah his rep is already fucked this ain't doing anything  Big Grin

[+] 1 user Likes jack1904's post
Huh Disgrase

I want his accountant. Inb4 the cost of his accountant is more than the money i save Big Grin

Ya, I could see how this might move the needle much.

Clown lmaoo

anyone voting for him still is deluded

that’s so bad that man

[+] 1 user Likes DunlopFila's post
nothing is going to happen - his base already is writing it off as fake news

This really shouldn't surprise any one.. Just like how he spent stimulus money to buy things for his resorts like golf carts

Wow that's crazy. But I don't think anything will happen...

Completely forgot about that...

Saw some of his supporters defending this too lol.

It could definitely impact his chances of re-election

I'm a CPA, and I do taxes for a living.  If Trump was committing tax fraud or doing anything else illegal, the IRS would have charged him.  He is audited every year while he is the President.

He has a good accountant, it's really that simple.  He could be filing under Schedule C, may have had tax credits from prior returns.  Showing a loss would obviously require him to pay less.  Warren Buffet once said "I pay less in taxes than my secretary".

People who blame Trump should really be blaming our life long politicians who wrote the tax laws.  The IRS would have hung Trump if he was actually doing anything illegal.

The president is very very good at controlling narratives. I imagine in a decade or so, when we can get finally get a retrospective on this presidency, the number of unpresidential actions will be glaring. Exploiting tax loopholes is just another drop of water in the ocean of awful things that we've learned in the past four years.