Twitter's ban of Trump is nothing more than discrimination.
To begin with for the most part these Global tech giants own a monopoly upon communication on the internet, so how is Twitter banning Trump any different from a brick and mortar store refusing service to someone because of "place excuse here"?

Because it has a much more impact., thats why

Twitter didn't refuse service to Trump because of discrimination because they provided him with their service. It was how he used Twitter that led them to discontinue their services for him. A store can't refuse services to a person based on race or sexual orientation, etc. However, that doesn't exempt the store from refusing service if that person of a specific orientation starts using that shop as meeting place to organize terrorist plots.

So much for freedom of speech huh?

suprisrd he wasnt banned sooner

yeah agreed dont think they have the right

i dont think they are right from banning him but idk