UFC-McGregor v Poirier 3
Who you got?

McG is probably a bit washed up

never really improved his game too much, especially on the ground

[+] 1 user Likes samw34099's post
Get McGregor's ass on the ground, and watch him curl up into a ball, trying to protect himself. I want to see his ass stomped. And I want him to fly into a rage at the reporters after he loses because none of them buy his excuses.

why hte hate?

i think he does all those antics to force his opponents to make mistakes

[+] 1 user Likes samw34099's post
His ego is bigger than his brain, and he literally does not have a ground game. He's so egotistical that I enjoy watching such old fools get stomped, just to see their egos get broken.

In all honsesty, McG is past his prime, and has put so many drugs and ink into his body, that he's not prepared for what is going to happen, nor will he be able to think clearly.

Hopfully no breaking of legs