Valentines gift
What did you guys get for your valentine this year? Or even what did you get as a valentine this year? Curious for some ideas for myslef

Best gift for a chix is and always will be a nice night out. Take care of her, go to the restaurant, get her roses, a good bottle of wine and treat her like a princess. Sounds cliché but it works. If you dont have the means to do that, improvise! Write a carde, print roses and make a paper bouquet! Chixs are really not as materialistic as you may think!

Unfortunately I am alone this year. Just buy a nice diner and wine for myself. Haha

I got my gifts last minute, but I did the simple thing of getting them a rose some snacks, a blanket, a small necklace, and a card. They loved it!

A empty box of Nothing Sad

The usual flowers, chocolates, candle and a pair of earrings. I in return got chocolate and a nice surprise in the bedroom in the evening!

Sadly no valentine for me this year