As the title says what is the best book you have read thid year? and perhaps a short summary of what it is about or what kind of genre. Im really interested what you guys read or if you read books at all

I liked Stock Market Cash Flow. The author really puts things in terms people can understand and it's a good beginner investing book.

[+] 1 user Likes tccarlson44's post
LEAN IN by sheryl sandberg

[+] 1 user Likes seventhveil7's post
Oh this is great, I've been meaning to looking into that and I've heard good things about it aswell. Thanks I will definitely look into that one!

harry potter for sure old school book, mad ting only for the kids u see

operation snow wolf, a great book about the soviets

and a book called "The Theif"

, Spark of life

[+] 1 user Likes's post
The Beach by Alex Garland. It was made into a terrible movie, but the book is quite good!

[+] 1 user Likes paulmilesimo's post
Fiction: Eleventh Station, post apocalyptic about a world after a new cold. Familiar?

Non-fiction: Steven Pinker's Enlightenment Now. Scientific approach to optimism showing our massive progress in the last centuries thanks to the Enlightenment and free market.

The Throne of Glass series is one of my favorite and I love rereading it

[+] 1 user Likes Ala_kazam_10's post
Fiction that names level-up? Maybe thats cool

Definitely the 7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen R. Covey