Not to sound like we're having a boring conversation, but how's the weather for you guys. It's been on hell of a winter clearly, especially for you guys down in Texas. I'm in the Northeast so it's been, well it started out normal. Them we got hit with snowstorms like once a week. And it's definitely snowstorms. I've had to call of work god knows how many times cause there's five inches of snow keeping me from leaving, or our parking lot freezes over so I almost bust my ass just walking.

But things are looking up now, supposedly the rest of the week is gonna be sunny and it was borderline 60 yesterday so that's kinda fire. What about you guys?

I've been hearing about Texas lately, I hope you guys make it out of that hellish winter. Where I'm from we don't really get any snow (most you'll see is the occasional pebble-sized hail) so I'm not complaining. It was very windy yesterday which was a nice change of pace; it was fun watching plastic chairs fly around our yard. I just wish we got more of that overcast weather where you could smell the rain outside. Maybe next year.

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Im up north and the weather can't make up its mind. Yesterday was nice but windy AS HECK

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