What’s your opinion on FF7 remake demo?
I thought it was fun, graphics are gorgeous and loving the new combat system.

As someone who never played the original (before my time and the gameplay put me off from playing it afterwards), I love it! I can see why people like the characters and I think the combat is a very engaging mix of Kingdom Hearts style hack-n-slash with traditional RPG mechanics. My only real complaint was the length of the boss battle (It wasn't difficult, just tedious).

I had a ton of fun with it! April can't come soon enough. There was a time in high school I'd beat FF7 on a semi-weekly basis just because I loved it so much.

I'm worried about the swap from turn-based to FFXV's style, but otherwise, should be good.

seems fun! i think changing the combat system away from turn based system is smart in this day and age of triple A games.