What are the best games that stand the test of time to transcend generations?
This might be difficult as it may limit us to older games (because it's hard to say about new games), but which games truly hold up and maintain appeal across generations?

Until maybe 10 years ago I'd say SUPER MARIO WORLD or SUPER MARIO 3 for Super Nintendo was universally loved by everyone. Same for Mario Kart 64 and Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

But nowadays it seems like the generation gap is catching up and these games are falling behind.

I still see a lot of people playing Mario Kart. That's like the game to play when people are partying and drinking. Hell, some women I know like dates with Mario Kart. Never thought that was possible until I saw it.

I think the games that will survive are the ones with the best storylines. LIke the MGS series. People are still going back and replaying the old stories just to go through them and know what happened. Stories are what transcend time. Games are just one way of telling stories.

I think it has to bo chronno trigger or other snes games, the early 3d games do look bad now, and have difficult movement but 2d is still fine

I still like some of the early 3D games, especially with emulators that smooth out the polygons, like for Mario 64, Goldeneye 64, Spyro, Banjo Kazooie, Paper Mario.

There were some bad games like Turok that ALWAYS had terrible graphics and draw distance.

Cant believe no one has said Halo CE. I know its not that old but it still feels amazing to play today. Hell even my little brother enjoys it and hes a ipad child

Warzone for sure, no question

Quote:Cant believe no one has said Halo CE. I know its not that old but it still feels amazing to play today. Hell even my little brother enjoys it and hes a ipad child

It is pretty old but it is still a very fun game. I remember how skeptical people were about Microsoft coming out with a game console but that game was brilliant when it came out. Halo 3 refined things a bit more but that first Halo game runs quite smoothly.

Counterstrike has NOT aged well though.