What are you currently playing?
smithjade90 Wrote:Finally got Crash Team Racing (CTR) for the switch, brings back memories when I played this back in PSOne days.

What is everyone else playing now a days?
was playing fortnite i love it

Mostly the new star wars game

Been playing some Deep Rock Galactic, pretty good and polished indie for PC

I can't quit Diablo II. Every time I have a lull and look for a new game I always go back to that damn game. So right now it's that with some Apex Legends and WoW Classic sprinkled in.

tft is just simple and stress free

FIFA, GTA V and Dead Cells

Finally started trying CS:GO recently!

NBA2k19 or GTA V

play csgo and apex for now, i wnna try overwatch too

Been trying to enjoy rdr2, but the pc game port is so shit. Crashes occur so fking often and I have middle tier hardware. Doesn't help that if you don't consistently save then all your progress is loss if you dc.

Rimworld, with over 50 mods, 5 minutes load time

Counter Strike has been my go to as generic as it sounds

Path of Exile which I’m enjoying a lot

a lot of gacha games

rainbow six seige

World of Warcraft and some NBA 2k20

Call of duty warzone

World Of Tanks and CSGO