What are your opinions on adaptations?
Eapecially from games to movies. I feel like movies adaptations of games are often disappointing. They take too many artistic liberties or cut out too many details. In then end, youre left with a movie vaguely in the same world as the game.

I agree. To be honest the first movie or game coming out is always the best

I agree most films adapted from games arent any good since the very beginning w the mario bros haha
I do enjoy the resident evil movies but you have to turn off your brain to enjoy them and they have piss to do with the games

I enjoy watching Doom every now and then. Most people seem to dislike it because the plot was changed from demons from hell to a virus of sorts but that aside the set definitely looked close to Doom 3

Adaptation is great adaption movie

tomb raider 2000 è stato fantastico