What do you do for exercise?/Exercise basics?
I agree with Scandalemil. The best exercise is the one that you enjoy doing, and do.

I think the most ideal exercise for the average person's fitness is probably swimming. It exercises many muscles, can be only secondary to sprinting for calorie burn, and is minimal impact. Many very healthy athletes age to regret the high-impact sports they used to keep fit, with worn knees and herniated discs and early dementia from concussions.

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f45 five times a week. Workout in a fasted state...

Subreddit "r/bodyweightfitness" is my go-to source of exercises. I don't have any gyms near me, so calisthenics is the perfect option.

Jogging regularly is a good basis for exercise.

Long walks, running, cycling and swimming

unless you're trying to go for mass, simple home exercise seem to do the trick to stay tone. pushups/situps/jog around neighborhood.

definitely concur with body weight. Its easy to implement at home with minimal equipment. Pushups, situps, dips, wall stands. All can be done in front of the TV.

I did try HIIT. It's hard to stay motivated expending so much energy. I found it very easy to 'burn out'. Plus it is the easiest way to injure the 'weekend warrior' unused to exercise. That said, it seems the most efficient, and highly effective.

I mentioned the running injuries but didn't cite it-

RE: What do you do for exercise?/Exercise basics?.

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