What do you think will happen to Blank Panther Franchise?
With the untimely death of Chadwick Boseman (RIP), what do you guys foresee happening to the Black Panther franchise? It being such a cash cow for Disney, I doubt they will just scrap it, but seeing how Black Panther 2 is scheduled to release on 2022, I wonder what the house of mouse will do. Thoughts/Predictions?

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I thiink they will recast him or make Shuri the BP

Hopefully they don't recast him I think it might be over

Recast another guy as black panther and then have new guy say "Look, it's me. I'm here. Deal with it. Let's move on." like Rhodey did in Iron Man 2 when he was recast.

They've probably already filmed most of the sequels, judging by the way Marvel typically films their movies

i feel like they wouldnt recast but they did do it to rhodey so...

they won’t post a movie for awhile since his death just happened, but they’ll end up trying to milk it when they feel it’s the right time.

I doubt it's true but my friend said something about Nick canon being the new black panther. Tbh I think they should just stop continuing him or make a separate black panther franchise, my opinions aren't really great haha but oh well. Also maybe Nick canon wouldn't be a bad idea but I feel like I just don't like the person bc of his scandals, and idek what he got himself into but after he left AGT I kinda just stopped liking him, especially on wildin out. I find nothing funny or enjoyable about that show

They might just rebrand the series like what they did to spiderman.

Probably gonna get a reboot a few years later

There won’t be any part 2 that continues from the previous one but a total new movie with new cast new storyline

Too much publicity with no easy way to replace the actor. They've switched actors tons in the MCU but for other reasons. They would have to reboot, they wont though

I think they will simply replace the actor

will they cast new actor?