What game are you most excited about that is yet to release?
I kinda have to say Cyberpunk, but on top of that I'm really looking forward to ES6 and Fable 4. So many of my favorite franchises are currently being worked on and I'm so hopeful that they'll turn out just as amazing as I remember Smile

Star citizen, because i have spent 50k, sold my kidney in the black market for 500 bucks, and in the process lost the wife, kids and dogs, and all my savings.
Now more serious, there is that new amnesia game, apparently its decent, except for the intrusive voice.

Xcom 3 - war from the deep

Batman: the Bane of Bain

Path of Exile 2 but god knows when then will be released.

Hoping for a triumphant battlefield comeback

cyber punk was terirble brop

Im thinking that the Hogwarts Legacy game that is said to be realeased in 2022 looks hella dope since i think it would be really cool to learn spells and explore the wizard world

Cyberpunk but it was a letdown.

The elder scrolls 6. If it ever happens

Cod bo 2 remastered

Black ops 2 remastered

Not going to lie MS flight simulator.

doom eternal