What is the best song that nobody knows about?
For me it's Muscle Memory by Banoffee. It's kinda mind boggling to me how good this song is and that it never made a splash. It's not like it's an obscure genre either. It's electro-pop. One of the music videos for it (there are two different music videos for some reason) only has 1,000 views on youtube and the song is 3 years old. Anyways, it's an incredible song. Probably in my top ten of all time. If you're interested, you should give it a listen and tell me what you think. I'd also love to hear what your favorite hidden gems are.

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Anything by charlotte day wilson. She has maybe 20k subs on yt and is fantastic.

Maybe not totally unknown but The Wonder Years in general if you like pop punk.

I like German underground music. i would suggest "RAUCH" by Yungmon. Perhaps you'll like it :3

there's an italian spoken word duo called uochi tochi, they're pretty good and like no one knows them even

The Heavy - Short change hero.

I don’t consider any song like “the best song ever” but recently I found a group called cosmograph with their song Godspeed and it has great elements and good composition