What is your favorite season of the year?
Where I live, my favorite season is spring because there is a medium point between cold and hot and I can wear confortable clothes, so, what is your favorite season of the year and why?

[+] 1 user Likes gespina582's post
i fuck with summer cuz it be hot and sheeeeit

[+] 1 user Likes stroby's post
I like summer the best cause there is no school

Spring! Not too hot and a lot of sun.

I do prefer Summer despite of the heat as I hate cold days...

Summer like anyone else

Summer is the best, winter's aight, fall is nice, spring fuckin sucks

It has to be Fall just as things are beginning to wind down

Summer easily

Autum/fall for sure. Not too cold or hot. And spring is a nightmare for people with allergies

Fall, not too cold not too hot. Most versatile season clothing wise

Fall is the best, not too cold, not too hot

Fall is great. You get cool weather and Halloween time is fun

I live in a tropical country so i love the phase after summer where things are a bit cooler

I LOVE winter, even though theres a lot of snow to clean up i'll always enjoy playing with my siblings in it.

winter and snow