What release were you looking forward to and then disappointed?
I can think of the Tenet film off the top of my head, but I had read about it and wasn't completely surprised

game of thrones ending was lame

I was looking forward to Fallout 76 and Cyberpunk 2077. Both were hot garbage. Now im lookign forward to botw 2 and GoW 2. I hope they dont auffwr the same fate.

star wars rise of skywalker... jj was back and i enjoyed force awakens.... yea i shouted fuck this film when the credits started. I actually got a round of applause in the theatre and people laughing, and one old lady told me to watch my language haha

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It Part 2, part 1 was amazing... dont know what hapened to part 2

Suicide squad. trailers made it look amazing. film was awful. i have no idea what enchantress was doing hula dancing the whole film

superman returns, went at midnight release... just awful