What's your favorite Ghibli movie, and why?
I was wondering what is considered to be the best of the best when it comes to Ghibli's movie.

Hope to use this reference to watch them all over again in this order.

My favorite is Castle in the Sky, the english dubbed one. The cast is wonderful, and the dub adds a bit more background dialogue giving the world more ambience and life. Also, Mark Hamill is great!
The musical score of this movie is absolutely beautiful, and of course the dub allows Joe Hisaishi, the composer, to add a bit more of his genius into it. The story may be somewhat simplistic, but I find it quite enjoyable. It shows it's grandness in visuals.

Spirited away will always hold a special place in my heart. Perhaps its nostalgia, but that film is just all around too beautiful.

[+] 1 user Likes test_account_123's post
Spirit away and laputa. There is just something so pure and magical about these films.

[+] 1 user Likes firehi159's post
Spirit away. My girlfriend made me watch it with her as my introduction to ghibli films, and now i have an attatchment to it

[+] 1 user Likes Noah Barrett's post
Spirited away i watched it with mu friends when we went on holidays together
Beautiful memories
It was 3 years ago and i rhink it was my last fully enjoyable holiday up until now

[+] 1 user Likes 177013fxfox's post
Nausicaa was always a really cool movie imo

[+] 1 user Likes Beyondthegates's post
I may be a little bias with this one but Ponyo will always hold a special in my heart for 1 being my first ghibli movie I watched in theaters when I was a kid, and 2 for it just being a fun, neat, magical, and enduring story I think pretty much anyone could get into.

[+] 1 user Likes Waku kook's post
Howl's moving castle

I really like this one because it was the very first one ive watched

[+] 1 user Likes ssaaiittaammaa's post
Spirited Away for me. It's just STUNNINGLY beautiful and has such a nice cozy aesthetic.