What the general opinion on salt and vinegar chips?
I really like them but I've heard very different opinions from different people. Opinions tend to be very polarized. Most of the people I know irl enjoy them and literally everywhere online people seem to hate them.

I like them, but I like most chips. I also like sour things so that might explain the vinegar.

Personally my 2nd favorite chip, with the first being dill pickle.

Same here, dill pickle and sour cream & onion flavors are just way too good

Recently i try chips with the taste of salt and olive... and sorry but it is terrible for me. No more taste of olive in chips.

I enjoy them occasionally

best shit in the world

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I like them.

I think they're alright but if any of you have ever been to the UK then make sure to try out prawn cocktail flavour. Doesn't sound like something nice, and I don't think I've ever seen them anywhere else in the world, but they are amazing.

I like then their not my favorite, but they are good

excellent. they are a meal in and of themselves

They are my favorite!

To me they taste almost like I'm eating crunchy mustard. Not a fan.

I cannot stand them at all