When did you first start gaming?
Wanting to hear people share their stories of how they started gaming

The first console I ever saw was a PS1 but it  was briefly and I was a wee tyke, my first console was a n64 which I got for Christmas when I was 5 years old. I was honestly surprised by it because i never really asked for it or thought about it since we we didn't have much and were living at an aunts house but my parent ended up getting it for me and I was extremely happy. I got Pokémon stadium which I lovely tremendously

What are your stories in gaming growing up and how you started?

I started with a Mega Drive (or Genesis) playing Sonic in an uncle house, I was 7 or 8 (in 1991). One year later I got mine Mega Drive with Sonic and Dune 2.

[+] 1 user Likes xhamsterplacebopt's post
When i was around 7 maybe. Grandad bought me a gameboy color with pokemon red, and my uncle handed down a ps1 with crash bandicoot. Didnt really get deep into gaming until about 10 years old playing CoD round my mates houses and then begging for a ps3

[+] 1 user Likes Arj98's post
Arj98 Wrote:When i was around 7 maybe. Grandad bought me a gameboy color with pokemon red, and my uncle handed down a ps1 with crash bandicoot. Didnt really get deep into gaming until about 10 years old playing CoD round my mates houses and then begging for a ps3

similar story, started w/ pokemon

[+] 2 users Like lovethebanta's post
My bro's n64

Outside of edutainment games/Oregon Trail, I think I played a friend's N64 at some point, but it never *really* started until my Dad got an Xbox for Father's Day

[+] 1 user Likes berrieater's post
Started all the way back in 1997, started with the Super Nintendo, then moved to the PSX, before getting a taste of the PC.

[+] 1 user Likes krush_777's post
I started in the early 2000s, playing Wizard101 on a Windows Vista laptop.

dscourge Wrote:I started in the early 2000s, playing Wizard101 on a Windows Vista laptop.
I remember seeing the commercial for that game for so long, damn

When the regular nes came out.

The first time was when my brother bought me a Gamecube it's when i really got into it

Started with Pokemon Yellow on a yellow Gameboy Pocket

Started young like every 90s kid. PS1 was my first experience. My best memories are with the Spyro and the Crash Bandicoot games. Anyone remember the Army Men franchise tho?

MisterNwah Wrote:Started young like every 90s kid. PS1 was my first experience. My best memories are with the Spyro and the Crash Bandicoot games. Anyone remember the Army Men franchise tho?
That sounds like a great childhood. I remember all the demo discs since I had tons of those and army men was in one of those demo discs!

I guess my first experience would be with my dad's old NES years ago, playing duck hunt and super mario bros 3, Tiger Heli was great as well.

im 18 now but i started playing video games when i was 3

OMG I'm started with wizard101 with a laggy pc and i see there that someone else was also playing this pretty game