Where do U get your news from? Do you trust most news outlets to at least be credible
Where do you receive the majority of your news for whats going on in the world at large? Established mainstream cable news networks, online-only news platforms (i.e. The Young Turks, Democracy Now, Alex Jones etc) talk radio or Sirrus, local TV news (like ABC 7 or CBS channel 2) social media, online forums/message boards/chat rooms, word of mouth (from family/friends/peers) traditional newspaper publications (New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune); or do you find yourself intentionally staying away from all of it; hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil?

Why do you want to stay informed or why don't you find news relevant in your life?

[+] 1 user Likes realkane's post
Bbc tends to be the best

I get my news from all over the place, sometimes from places that merge news from different places together like Google News and less commonly from online message boards and forums like Reddit because I find they can be less trustworthy at times, though that can be said for any news outlets. It's always good to know what's happening in the world because ultimately we're all affected by global events, so why not be in the know?


redddit but definitely not reliable lol

twitter as I try to ignore and scroll past it.

Reddit initially, but if I'm really interested then I'll usually try to hear from various sources.

Npr is what I listen to to

Agreed with reddit. Loads of different subreddits to pick from.

A little bit from everywhere. I love fivethirtyeight for their statistics. Just don't watch your news, that shit is sensationalized

I visit r/worldnews almost daily. Other than that, i can really recommend TheGuardian.