Which Google alternative is recommended?
Google offers good or the best search results but it tracks its users. An alternative is duckduckgo, a search engine that respects the privacy of its users but the search results are not as good as from google.
Who knows a good alternative, is there one?

What are you looking for? If it's porn. Bing is your friend. For anything else use tor

DDG is fine. It's how I found this site lol.

Add a !g in to your search if you don't like the results. It'll bring you to a google results page.

Quote:What are you looking for? If it's porn. Bing is your friend. For anything else use tor

I'm searching for an alternative for daily use with good results not only porn. Bing for sure tracks also it's users.

Quote:Add a !g in to your search if you don't like the results. It'll bring you to a google results page.

This is only a redirect to google, isn't it?


duckduckgo or startpage

ecosia if u love the environment

ecosia if u love the environment

I hear good things about DuckDuckGo.

Can't say anything that hasn't been said already, DuckDuckGo is pretty good

Use bing to get that sweet search points lol. Redeem it for gift cards or donate it to charity. They have your identity and browsing habits anyways