Which Messenger to Switch to from Whatsapp - Signal or Telegram?
With the implementation of new privacy policy revisions for Whatsapp, people have been flocking to Telegram or Signal messenger.

Which is better in your opinion for those who have used either or both of them? Looking to preserve the Whatsapp UI and functionality experience in the switch.

I'm still using whatsapp

[+] 1 user Likes Haashi's post
Using whatsapp atm but prob change to signal.

[+] 1 user Likes meritukiaa's post
Telegram is more secure than any american based app

[+] 1 user Likes csbduodddiqzyknmyp's post
Telegram rolls their own “encryption”, which hasn’t been peer reviewed or attacked on a massive scale yet. I highly doubt that it’s actually secure.

Signal uses well known and open protocols that have stood up over their lifetime.

Depending on why you want encrypted chat to begin with, I know which one I would choose.

[+] 1 user Likes DonGranola's post
I dont see many people moving off WhatsApp. Too bedded in. Telegram seemed okay though