Which game series did you learn from the most while growing up?
Pokemon era for me folks.  Honestly, a game with setting goals high and accomplishing them was inspiring.  Also, pattern recognition in general (looking for trends) and learning to type fast (while on boards).

Tetris obviously...gotta avoid those falling bricks

Super Mario Bros tested my reflex and control. Duck hunt on the NES for hand eye coordination haha

WoW no doubt

WoW sure helped me with my english growing up.

mario gotta say helped me meet people

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Mario Kart... people are terrible drivers

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Mario kart was definitely a winner. First GBA game I owned.

Genshin Impact does have a storyline with loveable characters and amazing voice acting, but the story itself takes a back seat in comparison to the rest of the game. That's not to say the story is dull or boring because it is actually a compelling and unique narrative.


Runecsape for typing/communicating

Civilization for history and geography and the world

Tetris for hand-eye and understanding life

Zelda series, in primis Ocarina of time! Best title of my childhood!

Comand of conquer taught me strategical thinking

MTG. It's an SJW and autistic freak show now but it *was* a really great game in many ways. One of the best ways discover the folly of results oriented thinking -- you can make great decisions and still lose, or play a like a dummy and still win.

I'm not sure that games teach us so much as them being a vehicle for potentials already within us to be cultivated.

Minecraft 100%, that's probably the game I played the most until now, and it did help me with my english, also with being creative. That's one of my favorite games, even though I'm not really playing it anymore.