Which movies have you seen multiple times in theaters?
I saw Parasite 3 times because I enjoyed it so much. The only other movie I rewatched in theaters was The Dark Knight years ago and I only rewatched it once.

[+] 1 user Likes Johhnydi's post
The shape of the water by Guilermo del toro, we went two times in the same week cause' the gf fell in love with it

Star wars 7 and 8 3 times each one, and joker 3 times

Uncut Gems, once by myself and once with friends

Inception. Tough plot to fully digest.

yup i saw parasite twice each time with different friends just so i can see their reaction

[+] 1 user Likes th3dissonanc3's post
Interstellar was fantastic in IMAX and I watched it 3 or 4 times with friends

I watched Star Wars 2 times