Which superpower would you choose
Hi there,

Just wanted to throw out a discussion out there since I had this recently with my friends. We talked about what powers we would want to have, and then we talked about what if we battled each other. It could be anything from something you've already seen in generic stories (Teleportation, Super Strength, Flying, etc.), or something totally original.

If you could have any super power, what would it be? And why?

For me, time manipulation would be the best power. Oh, I'm having to sit through a long conference? Time to fast forward! It goes without saying I would be able to stop time. So if I wanted to get somewhere that was over an hour away "instantly," I would just stop time and get there in a new york minute. Or if I just wanted to enjoy what ever view I was enjoying at the time and not have to worry about "losing time." I could even walk into a bank and just walk out with a "withdrawal." Lol.

Time Manipulation is the best power!

Now it's your turn Wink

obviously xray vision to be able to seem dem titties cum on man

being invisible xD

Probably intangibility. Being untouchable would be neat, regardless of what anyone tried.

Being able to tie people's shoe laces together with my mind.

X-ray vision for obvious reasons

Freeze ray vision totally thanks you

[+] 1 user Likes cuckcucktease's post
I think I would choose this one as well!

[+] 1 user Likes sexysailor2's post
the power that you'll never have to sleep

I would love to have a "time stop" power. So I can you know... (IYKWIM)

super speed!

Giorno's stand's powers in JoJo part 5

omniprecence basically become a god. If I were to pick something more common it would be invulnerability.

Some very interesting ideas here Smile

The best thing for me would be to have something (device, voice in my head) that answers any question (past, future events). The second would be to have something like a super hypnosis (what would I say, they would do it) which sew often appears in adult games, much better than x-ray.