Who's playing the new TFT set?
What do you think? 5 cost units busted again? I'm enjoying the hyperroll mode.

Hyperoll mode is the only good thing imo. The last set was so good it makes this one really dull.

Even though Chosen was an interesting mechanic, I'm glad it's gone. Shadow Items are fun but there should be more of them in game.

The new synergies seem super bland compared to the old ones. Nightbringer/Dawnbringer are stupid. Forgotten is boring but at least it incentivizes Shadow items, which is pretty fun. I wish there were more unique synergies like Cybernetic that make you want to play the game differently than how you would normally play it

The thing i hate the most are the 5 gold champs being so lame. No interesting mechanics like lee sin and fabled. No real way to pivot counter people your build cannot beat. Last set really was amazing.