Who will win the US Presidency?
Of course, questions like this are always colored quite a bit by who you want to win, but (as best as possible) putting that aside, who do you think will win the presidency in a couple of weeks? Everything seems to be trending Biden, but I find it hard to get over a lack of enthusiasm from his voters compared to Trump's. I think it's much closer than polls will indicate, and honestly, I think it's a complete toss up. Apologies if this is too political

Hard to say.

No matter what happens, everyone looses hah!

I’d agree, it’s too difficult to say. On one hand, Biden voters are enthusiastic about voting Trump out of office (not necessarily voting Biden in) and Trump supporters are dead set on keeping Trump another four years. I think the race is much closer than what the polls indicate.

Likely trump despite the efforts for him not to win

I personally have no political bias and don't care who wins. However, we must look at this from all aspects and regards. Trump and Biden are both popular candidates. However, have you ever noticed that Biden is extremely boring and Trump is entertaining? I feel like most people didn't get into politics except when Trump became president because now it is really fun.

I agree with the above comment. I always watch youtube and when i do i always skip on Biden's Ads because he is so monotoned and bores me very much. On the other hand, even though i don't agree with all of trump's policies. He is certainly entertaining. I mean, the guy was the host of a tv show so i guess that speaks for itself. What about you OP? What do you think and who do you think will win the US presidential elections.

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No matter what happens, everyone looses hah!

At this point I really don't know and don't care. US is going downhill.

Of course it will be.....well, I don't know, don't trust the polls either.

Probably Trump, being an incumbent has a strong hold despite many people's negative views of him. Make sure you vote especially if you're in a swing state!

honestly very had to guess
but from what I have seen I think Biden will win
because I think trump did not gain many supporters but lost more
and many people did not like Hilary
also Trump made a mess of many things but most importantly the Coronavirus and he keeps ignoring medical experts and everytime he says it is going down it only gets worse

could the polls be so wrong again?

It's probably going to be very close.

Kanye West or Doja Cat

Joe Biden will win