Why do you enjoy tactical shooter games/gamemodes?
I never understood why tactical shooters (cod s&d, csgo, valorant, r6 siege) are so popular. Before all the "git gud"s, nobody is alive the entire game. I just want to play the game, not die (regardless of how soon or late into a round) and watch other people play. I understand "because strategy and tactics" but why? Seems like a waste of time to me

[+] 1 user Likes xtk29339's post
the simple fact that the game makes you not last in the game is already satisfying, this challenge of always improving your skills is already worth it

[+] 1 user Likes Chris da PPV Hunter's post
Exactly, it's about improving your skills and experiencing the results of your improvement through not dying, and the satisfaction you gain from seeing your own performance

[+] 1 user Likes Newn Nonop's post