Will the Corona Virus ever really go away or will it become something like the flu
Ever since the first strain came out I was wondering if there will ever be an actual cure for it. With the recent mutations and variations, it seems like it will become just like the flu. If anyone could give me some more info on the subject I'd appreciate it!

I think that it's gonna be like the flu. We have vaccines to fight it off better but ultimately I believe that it will still exist through the animal kingdom and even kill more people in third world countries

Man, I wish it goes away, but I dont think that we are that lucky! I hope I'm wrong.

bro idk tbh but i wish we get rid of it because we cant chill with our friend or familly.

If it doesn’t mutate further probably it should be able to go away if enough people have the vaccines

I think COVID-19 will become something like the flu. If it ever fully goes away I think we'll be extremely lucky. I know that even when it dies down I'll still wear my facemask outside. That's going to become a normal part of life now.

It doesn't mutate as fast as influenza, so it most likely isn't here to stay.

probably it is going to be like flu in the future and we will have to take vaccines every some years just like it

yeah agree with mostly everyone here, it's gonna stay

Yep it will evolve and always be around. We will need boosters most likely each year. It's our new normal.

It Will become something like the flu but It wont be a problem like it is right now

It'll becomeike any other virus it will never truly be gone