Witcher 3
Is it worth starting to play this game?

[+] 1 user Likes Mormorfan13377's post
Absolutely yes. It’s an incredibly amazing game.

I look forward to trying it. Still attempting to beat skyrim

YES DEFINITELY! It is still one the the games I currently play.  It's not as customization as skyrim but you can still have multiple playthroughs.  I for one started out with melee and alchemy but my next playthrough used mostly magic.  Plus there are many choices the player makes that change the game so on a different playthrough choose the different option.

Definitely yes. One of the best games I have ever played. DLC's are also amazing (And i think they are free)

want to try it so bad

[+] 1 user Likes yopyopyop's post
The story is one of the best I've ever experienced, and the combat is really fun.

One of the best Games of all Time. You really should try it out.

absofuckinglutely. I just started playing it after watching witcher tv series because I was curious to see what the game was like and all the hype about it. I'm about 400 hours in at this point. I also highly recommend getting an RTX mod for the game graphics the effects look amazing from what I've seen on youtube but unfortunately my current PC cant support it. but I'm probably gonna stop playing for a bit until I can save up enough money for a new GPU and then play again on maxed out RTX graphics

Yea it's good, gets dirt cheap during sales too.

my favorite game

Yes. It is maybe one of the best RPG experiences you can get. I was very surprised how immersive the game is to me. I felt lost in the Witcher world when i was playing it.

Is is linked to the serie ?

I'm going to build a new PC for this game
My motherboard shat itself on my gaming PC just before quarantine Sad

I have heard nothing but good things about this game but never given it a chance. Probably gonna do it now during quarantine, so thanks for this thread and for reminding me!

The simple and only answer is fuck yes.

The more complicated answer is definitely. The the dlc and base game has a ton of content to keep you busy and there is some replay value to the game if you care about the story, there are choices you can make that "tweak" the story. For me anyway it's an 11/10 plus I have over 2000 hours in the game.

Hell yeah, it's amazing!