Worst Job
What’s the worst job that you’ve ever worked at? Personally for me it was the one second that I worked AMC before being let go becos the manager that hired me quit

[+] 1 user Likes sentenceperiod's post
Australian fast food restraint was the worst for me, just dreadful work environment and workforce in general. I assume most fast food would suck tho


[+] 1 user Likes rnaozmu1's post
I worked in a mill once.  The work itself wasn't what made it bad, it was the schedule.  Three weeks Graveyards, three weeks swing shift, three weeks day shift and then rinse repeat.  Didn't matter if you had seniority or anything.  Everyone ( except managers ) worked the rotating shifts.  I just couldn't hack it.  Quit after about 7 months.

[+] 1 user Likes Filebytes's post
I worked at a car detailing place by hand, was terrible underpaid $8 an hour and had a shitty boss to work for who would micro manage