Would Biden make the US better than now???
He is way too old to be a sharp president.. What is your thought?

Age does not have a significant impact on cognition for the average person until late the very old ages, and even then, cognition decline is not just "you're old, you're dumb". As we age, we do lose the ability to process brand new information as quickly(think trying to attain a new degree in school in a topic you've never studied), but you have a vast advantage in using accrued knowledge over younger individuals(think being able to apply similar skillsets between jobs). Biden is more than coherent and experienced to run the presidency. Now, with the convoluted mess that is politics and the lack of power a president appears to have in making change, his ability to change the country is probably not going to be very prominent. We might see some interesting things happen as congress is now democratic control, but that was the case under obama for a while and we didn't exactly propel into the space age. Only time will tell

He must commit to making things worse than they are now.

Age doesn't matter But Experience does. I mean at least biden is more reasonable than trump.its a gamble by this point

Defo a gamble, I suppose he's just gotta make sure he doesn't lead his party down the same rout that got them here in 2016?

A lot of our politicians are retirement age, a bit weird if you ask me

In the US, the president doesn't really have a lot of power, most of the power rests in Congress. Biden won't be the one making decisions, the democrats in Congress will be the decision makers. Biden's job is to simply not veto legislation made by his democratic colleagues.

Age alone does not make one senile, the reason why Biden is considered senile is because of the amount of gaffes coming from him.

No, he wont lol.

I would agree with this post honestly. Very insightful!

Hopefully he does!

Some people argue that he would ruin our country but his environmental policies alone will help save the world. Arrow

doubt it, he's old as hell now, also says a lotta weird things.

Shit president, no surprise.