about weight loss...
Everytime someone brings up the topic, i always see exercise.
don't get me wrong exercise is a healthy thing to do, but if you just want to lose weight, exercising can increase your muscle weight...

i say all of this because when people tell you to exercise, they also tell you to keep an eye on your diet although if you exercise you'll of course feel hungrier after.

I quote from an article about this topic:

"Exercise is really great for your health"
"Exercise is often advised for weight loss, but people should really aim for fat loss. If you simply reduce your calorie intake to lose weight, without exercising, you will probably lose muscle as well as fat"
"Exercise may make you overestimate the number of calories you’ve burned and “reward” yourself with food. This can prevent weight loss and even lead to weigh gain"
"The effects of exercise on weight loss or gain varies from person to person"

personally, i would suggest not toturing yourself and just make sure you don't eat suppers or snacks too often, limit yourself to once or twice a week and make sure your meals are balanced + in a healthy proportion (which is different for everyone).
i personally exercise as a hobby instead of a routine/habit, this post was just made to tell the people that is trying to lose weight that they have other options if exercising is not their favorite thing to do.

It's not losing weight, it's losing fat. I love gaining muscle, but am not too happy with the fat on my body. Work on reducing fat, not reducing weight. The rest will take care of itself.

yeah i made this post to say, if you want to lose weight (not gain muscle) you don't have to exercise if you don't mind not having muscle gain.

in my main thread, i mention weight loss and fat loss, and this one is specifically about weight loss, you can read the post again to see that i did not say not exercising help you be healthier/gain muscle.

I think there needs to be a distinction here, low intensity steady state cardio is a great way to burn calories that wont really build muscle unless youve lived a mostly sedentary life prior. A 2016 study from loughbrough university (sp?) found the contrary in which subjects who exercised lightly had lower appetites immediately following an exercise session. High intenisity (hiit) cardio on the otherhand has been found to increase appetite in some subjects. If we're talking strictly weight loss, discipline is absolutely the biggest factor, but a light walk before breakfast is a stellar way to boost your metabolism and you are more likely to utilize fat and minimize muscle loss in a fasted state

subby-bunny -Asian only fans - Repost

just be happy about your weight.

As you mentioned if you want to lose weight just cut calories, the problem is if you don't do any exercise you'll lose a bunch of muscle, so your basal metabolic rate will drop and when you get fed up of the diet or slip back into bad habbits you'll gain weight more easily than before, even if you manage a healthier diet post weightloss