any games you guys are nostalgic for?
personally ive been playin alot of wii recently

I miss the days when all me and my friends would do is play wii sports on repeat 

Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort. Brings me back to the airplane mode when everyone I knew including me was missing just 1 information point

Old school FPS games- battlefield 1942 still holds a place in my heart

Always feels good to play a game of Civ IV. probably the best civ imo

Sleeping Dogs Smile

I pick up Shining Soul 2 on the GBA at least once a year for some sweet nostalgia.

Zelda on my good old n64.
Gameboy Tetris my first game.

I hope there will be a new Bioshock game since they were awesome and I really liked replaying the remastered ones

I always find myself going back and playing Parasite Eve

Dune 2 The Battle For Arrakis (Genesis) and Dune 2000 (PC), my favorite strategy game.

Doom, brood wars and ff6.

Yeah, I miss the old WoW. Also this online game called MU Online

Ar71c Wrote:personally ive been playin alot of wii recently
Minecraft was fun

Minecraft, Wii sports and Soldier of Fortune. That last one in particular is a ton of fun. The gore was top notch for its time

I'm always nostalgic for the original Thief series..especially Thief Gold!