any words for people under anxiety?
im very vulnerable to anxiety, whether it's tests, homework, or even relationships. heck i'm not the only one who feels anxious, even my partner feels anxious from time to time. can anyone suggest comforting words/lines to help me and my partner at the same time? 

it would really help a lot thanks

Take everything piece by piece. Instead of one big mountain tackle it as many little mounds.

And its OK not to be OK

This may be cliche and not everyone is at a place in life where they have access to the resources required but therapy makes a world of difference. If you can find a therapist you can trust and feel comfortable letting your guard down with it can change your life. I hadn’t heard much previous to doing a lot of therapy myself that therapists are also trained to help teach you methods to deal with your hurdles. Wether that’s breathing exercises, thought tools, whatever. Therapy is worth it and then some. Hope you find some relief.

just close yuor eyes and have peace

remove the source of your anxiety. simple as that