food delivery apps
How frequently, if at all, do you use a food delivery app like Postmates/Ubereat/Menulog etc?

They charge for the delivery and the food items cost more on the app than if you order in person. It's like you're paying double extra just for the convenience.

It's mostly uni kids or young adults who just recently started living on their own that use them

I use Waitr or Doordash almost daily, but that's only because my work covers the expenses. Delivery is pretty much free with a reusable promo code, but yeah the food typically costs around $1-4 more expensive per item than the restaurant's normal prices. Adding the service charge and driver tip, my overall costs are typically anywhere between $8-15 more expensive than if I had ordered in person. It's convenient bc it saves me 30-50 minutes of driving and waiting for pickup (I live in a traffic-heavy area), but yeah I would never use it on a regular basis if my company didn't cover it lol

I only really use them if I am getting a rather large order and the delivery price would be justified otherwise you really just end up paying almost $20 for a meal that was $8. Although I do often use delivery for restaurants like Chipotle who have their own delivery service because the fee is less expensive.

You have to pay extra for both the driver bringing the food to your door, and the company that made the app for orchestrating the whole thing. I don't use it that much, but I know some people who use it a lot because they make enough money not to care about the extra charge since their time and the convenience are worth more