how to stop the SISEA bill ?
There's a new bill brought to the Senate by Senators Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) and Ben Sasse (R-Neb.).  It's a bill that requires users who upload pornographic material to a public website to verify their identity with the site, and every person in the video would need to sign and submit a consent form.

This would harm the privacy people and their identities. Since they need to trust the site with al their personal info. This seems more like huge liability and waste of tax money.
To me it seems they're trying to control the internet even further instead of what the bill is supposed to do.  Besides "Stop Internet Sexual Exploitation Act" bill is just something that can be done without right? I thought there already was legislation that would allow victims of sexual exploitation to have control on their videos being online and remove them. The SISEA just targets anything that's remotely pornographic and this seems to serve a whole other purpose than only stopping internet sexual exploitation.

It has not been the first time for lawmakers to set up a "noble" bill under the guise of a whole other purpose. while that bill causes more harm and doesn't even do for what it was set out to do.

I wonder what you guys think of this bill? And if you want to add to it, I would like to hear from you guys your ideas or tips how to stop this. 

So far its contacting your two senators and using GovTrack to find your state. And by writing new written messages so it doesn't get deprioritized.
acvalens had made a concise tweet on how to stop this with a guide and talking points for the letter.