interesting fact about Cyberpunk 2077 (about car riding system)
Some source code with Cyberpunk has been revealed
and users found out that the code regarding car riding system exactly reused the Witcher 3 horse riding code (yeah, they added the door opening system for sure)
why Witcher 3 horse riding of all things? 
exactly reused that stupid system
can't believe it

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Probably cheaper to reuse that old code than actually write new code. And they probably got that code for cheap, or already owned it, so the accounting department said that it was cheaper to reuse that code than to write a new system. The executives think they run everything, but accounting is the real power.

Cyberpunk was very glitchy with the cars they could be better

It probably makes sense. Horse is just a moving animated object with a mount point for the player, so if the car is just moving and animated then it doesn't need to be dastically different.

cyberpunk is mostly glitchy. Why would they even bother to release the game. I don't think they even tested the game before the launch